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Looking after No.1

Working from home didn't seem too bad when lockdown started. You got to meet clients whilst sitting in your pants (via Zoom of course!!), there was nobody to moan about the office temperature, you were saving money on the commute (which could be spent on boy's toys), and you could even find time to finish off those DIY jobs you'd started months or even years ago. Happy days!!

In reality, the novelty soon wore off. Your pants no longer fit because you've doubled your body weight by not walking further than the beer fridge, you longed for AC when the summer days hit 30+, the money you were saving went on Disney+ and other things to amuse the kids, and the odd jobs were replaced by another box-set on Netflix.

Ultimately, for many of us, this is now the reality of life. We may not have endured the devastating effects contracting Covid can bring, but we’re still enduring the indirect effects, and it’s not always easy.

There is no magic wand and I think the majority are resigned we're in it for the long haul. So we either fester, feel sorry for ourselves and plod on, or we try and do something about it.

Us blokes are creatures of habit so we're not going to change everything overnight and we wouldn’t want to. What we can do though is make a little change here and a little change there. It’s so important we remember to look after No.1 (let's face it, nobody will do it for us). If we're feeling crap, it's only a matter of time before our mood will adversely affect those closest to us.

Instead of having a beer every night, have a beer every other night. Instead of watching the next episode of Cobra Kai, dust off your bike and go for a ride. Instead of putting off that DIY, get yourself down to Screwfix and pick up that tube of silicone to fix the leaky shower (don't forget your mask). Whatever you choose, it will have its own rewards.

At the weekend I was lucky enough to head out with an MMC member on his electric mountain bikes. It was a completely different experience to my usual solo road bike ventures, splashing through the mud along the sea wall, trying to avoid annoying too many dog walkers and old dears on their Sunday stroll (sadly the latter was not always successful). It was 2hrs of fun, and a perfect example of how easy it is to get away from things for a bit.

If you need a bit of motivation or a wing man then either contact MMC or post on the MMC Facebook page, after all, that's what MMC is all about. It’s not just here for my monthly waffle!!

Go on, give it a try.


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